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Paying for Cousin’s Hajj

Question: salaam My cousin who wants to give money for his parents to do hajj but he yet has not done it himself. Is this permissible? Answer: `alaykum salam, Your cousin’s monetary gift to his parents...

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Hajj Permitted for Mortgagee?

Question: Asalamu alaikom. Bismillah al-rahman al-rahim Can a person go to Hajj if they still have a mortgage on there house. Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad Answer: `Alaykum as-Salam, You may...

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Dream: learning something with the value of seven

Dream: Esselamu alejkum we rahmetullahi we berekatuhu Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad Before Salatul Fedjr dreamed Rufaiskog Tarikati Sheikh Mustafa Sheikh, which has words of praise for our Mawlana Shaykh...

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Prayer Request: Go to Hajj this year

Prayer Request: A’uudzubillaahi minasy syaythaanir rajiim Bismillaahir rahmaanir rahiim Wash-shalaatu was-salaamu ‘alaa asyrafil Mursaliin Sayyidinaa wa Nabiyyina Muhammadin wa ‘alaa aalihi wa Shahbihi...

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Umrah for post-menopausal women

Question: Essalamu Alaikum, Can a woman who have crossed 65 of her age (means having no menstruation) perform Umrah alone without Mehram? Is there any particular condition for same and who can...

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Dream: Being Married

Dream: Asalamu Aleikum, 1) I saw that I was married and pregnant (I’m unmarried in reality) and then I saw vision of Green Dome or Masajid e Nabwi.. and when I was in labor I started reading this “Ya...

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Dream: Sheikh Hisham returning from Hajj

Dream: Assalam-o-alaikum wa rehmatullahi wa barakatuhu! I was dreaming in a dream…i saw sheikh hisham wearing green turban and mureeds returning from hajj with their luggage and having tears in their...

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umrah and Madinah

Question: Assalamoualaikoum Ya sayyidi Mowlanah Shaik Hisham 1) I am planning Insha Allah to go for umrah and i would appreciate if you could let me know where in Makkah and Madinah are best...

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Dream: Reading the Quran

Dream: In the Name of Allah, 1. I had a dream where I read Surah an Nas, al Falaq, and al Ikhlas three times in all. 2. I had a dream where I read Surah al Balad but just only the first verse. 3. I had...

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